A date with Frida & Diego.
1:56 PM
Hey goodlookin'
I can say I didn't have time to update and post but honestly I didn't want to 😜
I had the opportunity to go to the México 1900-1950 exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art gazing at stunning artwork from Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and many other amazing. I decided to go with my mother because I know no one would appreciate it as much as I would.
Las Dos Fridas // Frida Kahlo
India Oaxaqueña // Ramón Cano Manilla
La Vendedora de Frutas // Olga Costa
Vendedora de Alcatraces // Diego Rivera
Now, I have a ton of photographs I took but I honestly don't want to spoil and share too much with those who are visiting this exhibit. FYI, the last day is July 16th so you all have plenty of time to see this.
These are just a few of my favorite pieces.
As I walked around, I felt a beautiful vibe that made me feel so proud of my Mexican roots. Also seeing others of all different ethnic backgrounds and cultures appreciate the beautiful Mexican artwork made me so happy.
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