It's about to get real.

11:32 PM

It seems like a great time to report to the millions of readers I have here. Eight months is enough, correct? It seems since I last posted here was entire semester ago. It is easy to say that it has been an easy 8 months but who am I kidding. It has been. I did nothing productive this summer but now that I have a schedule going again I feel like my life has a purpose! Goodness. I can sit here and write every detail of what I have done all summer OR I can literally show you with pictures of the greatest highlights of 2015.

It is terrifying to have experience yet another birthday; another year. I feel like the older I get the less encouraged I am and the more disappointed I am with myself. I'm going to get deep here because hey, one needs to vent. I had a timeline set when I was young. Graduating, going straight to college, finishing in 4 years (I can't even believe that was my plan), marriage, KIDS... the thought of that is pretty insane. Yet, here I am. 25 years young. I have yet to accomplish any of these goals seventeen year old Liz had. I wanted to have my entire life together by the age of 25 but I am so far from that! (Actually, i'm not but your girl here loves to be dramatic.) It's so easy to compare your life with those around you. I have experience a lot. A LOT. I can't sit here and say my life has been so hard and I can't sit here and say my life has been so easy. I have a pretty nice, balanced life at the moment.

With social media, who can't keep with other friends... ok, acquaintances lives. I am 25. Divorced. Not financially stable.  But, I am the happiest I have ever been. I have 14 hours left to complete my degree. I have the support of my amazing family, the six people I actually call friends, my best friend and boyfriend, Shane. I have traveled places I never dreamed of visiting and I have an entire planet yet to discover.

It is so easy to compare yourself to those around you. Comparison can kill you, my friend.

At this point in my life, I think the most important question is to ask yourself... "Are you happy? Are you better off than you were 5 years ago? Is there someone who is holding you back?" Life doesn't always go as planned. Trust me... I know. But, isn't that what life is all about?

I will try to report back every so often. More often than before. I think this benefits me more than it will the reader but I think reflecting on everything that goes in my life only pushed me a little more. And hey, if any of this helps you out then the purpose of me writing all this publicly worked. If there is any advice you would give me I will gladly accept it. I will post pictures of what I have done these past 8 months another day. Promise! (It won't be another 8 months later either lol)


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