Solo at a music festival.

7:27 PM

Just as the title stated... I attended ACL Weekend one, A-L-O-N-E.

It is not the first time I have had the privilege to listen to amazing music by myself (First Aid Kit)  but never have I gone to a completely different city while there are 450 thousand people around me. It was definitely spectacular.

Now, the first day I arrived I had people ask me who I was there to see but to be completely honest I had no idea. I never had planned to go (um... broke college student here) but I had the opportunity to go thanks to Mr. Tommy Botts. ( Dude, I still can't thank you enough and have no idea how I will repay you but I will) Basically, he gave me this amazing experience.

I remember walking up to the gates and having 56% battery on my phone, alone, no service due to the thousands of people, no car, and I was a little afraid. But once I walked through the gates and saw Leon Bridges on the huge screen by the Honda stage... my fear was just lifted. I just swayed to the music and let the amazing music festival vibes take control.

After just swaying and dancing solo for about 20 minutes, I decided to contact my cousin Erick. Didn't have the opportunity to hang with him the entire day but I had the honorable privilege to hang with Miriam, Jose, and Zully. Saturday was a completely solo day. Sunday, all I've got to say is The Strokes. 

If I sat here and told you everything that went through my mind those three days I would just end up writing a book.

Tame Impala. The Strokes. Drake. Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Leon Bridges. Billy F'ing Idol. Yes. Billy Idol, guys. Rayland Baxter. Disclosure. Of Monsters and Men. José Gonzáles. Just to name a few of the people I saw!

I'd say the hardest thing was when some of these amazing performers overlapped. But hey... that just gives me an excuse to go again, right? I'm taking Tommy with me for sure.

The amazing thing was that not only did I experience this memorable, spontaneous, life changing experience completely alone... but I met new amazing people and had the chance to see my two amazing friends, Kim and Elijah who kept Shane company. Thanks for inviting us to Paco's Tacos just to drop shrimp taco all over my white dress (thanks Tide-To-Go), for $1 mimosas, and get my brain gears turning with my first Scrabble game at Spider House cafe. Yes, I said first Scrabble game at 25 years young.

Well, that's basically everything that's been going on in my life that is actually post worthy not all that crap I've been writing about so far. Literally laugh out loud'ing right now reading what I've written. So enjoy the few pictures I took since I had no polaroid film, no actual nice camera, and 56% battery life. If you know me... you know how difficult that is.

I am utterly blessed to have encountered amazing people in this life of mine and yes that does include the dude that made my latte that morning I had to complete my homework assignment while in Austin.




Digno ☕ 10/08/15

10:44 PM

¡Hola todos!

Creo que hoy estaré escribiendo en español. Desafortunadamente mi español está mas lejos que perfecto pero para eso sirve la practica, ¿no?  Ya que saque eso al superficie (no se si yo lo traduzco bien pero bueno) ahi les va.

La verdad es que hoy tuve la noche mas extraña. Algo que la verdad no me lo esperaba aunque la verdad no es para tanto. Pero al fin, termino con alguien tratando de insultarme. Yo he pasado una etapa, por los que dicen ser difícil, en mi vida. Aunque fue difícil creo que fue la razón que no me dejo manipular por las palabras de otros/otras. A lo contrario, tristemente los insultos son lo que mas me motiva a seguir adelante. Me siento poderosa caminar con la cabeza en alto y tomar un paso frente porque la verdad no me intimida.

Creo que tristemente, viviendo con las redes sociales y detrás de una pantalla, uno siente poderoso e invisible cuando insultan a los demás. Llamando a alguien insegura o con un insulto declarando que es menos mujer es realmente patético. Al fin de cuenta si lo estas leyendo te quiero felicitar por tener tanto "valor" de insultarme. Pero lo dije y lo mantendré diciendo; no me intimidas. Cada paso que tomas tu yo estoy tomando el camina opuesto. Valgo mucho mas que eso.

Chicas (y chicos, claro), NUNCA se dejen sentir indigno de ser una mujer respetuosa y hacer sentir que eres mujer de menos. Nunca se deje ganar por palabras negativas de una vida que fue porque siempre sera negativa.

La gente no cambia pero tu puedes controlar lo que consume tu mente. Tómalo, estúdialo, y has todo lo contrario a lo que hace esa persona.

Y luego, BLOQUEA y sigue con tu hermosa vida

Eres digno, corazón.


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