¡Hola todos!
Creo que hoy estaré escribiendo en español. Desafortunadamente mi español está mas lejos que perfecto pero para eso sirve la practica, ¿no? Ya que saque eso al superficie (no se si yo lo traduzco bien pero bueno) ahi les va.
La verdad es que hoy tuve la noche mas extraña. Algo que la verdad no me lo esperaba aunque la verdad no es para tanto. Pero al fin, termino con alguien tratando de insultarme. Yo he pasado una etapa, por los que dicen ser difícil, en mi vida. Aunque fue difícil creo que fue la razón que no me dejo manipular por las palabras de otros/otras. A lo contrario, tristemente los insultos son lo que mas me motiva a seguir adelante. Me siento poderosa caminar con la cabeza en alto y tomar un paso frente porque la verdad no me intimida.
Creo que tristemente, viviendo con las redes sociales y detrás de una pantalla, uno siente poderoso e invisible cuando insultan a los demás. Llamando a alguien insegura o con un insulto declarando que es menos mujer es realmente patético. Al fin de cuenta si lo estas leyendo te quiero felicitar por tener tanto "valor" de insultarme. Pero lo dije y lo mantendré diciendo; no me intimidas. Cada paso que tomas tu yo estoy tomando el camina opuesto. Valgo mucho mas que eso.
Chicas (y chicos, claro), NUNCA se dejen sentir indigno de ser una mujer respetuosa y hacer sentir que eres mujer de menos. Nunca se deje ganar por palabras negativas de una vida que fue porque siempre sera negativa.
La gente no cambia pero tu puedes controlar lo que consume tu mente. Tómalo, estúdialo, y has todo lo contrario a lo que hace esa persona.
Y luego, BLOQUEA y sigue con tu hermosa vida♥
Eres digno, corazón.
It seems like a great time to report to the millions of readers I have here. Eight months is enough, correct? It seems since I last posted here was entire semester ago. It is easy to say that it has been an easy 8 months but who am I kidding. It has been. I did nothing productive this summer but now that I have a schedule going again I feel like my life has a purpose! Goodness. I can sit here and write every detail of what I have done all summer OR I can literally show you with pictures of the greatest highlights of 2015.
It is terrifying to have experience yet another birthday; another year. I feel like the older I get the less encouraged I am and the more disappointed I am with myself. I'm going to get deep here because hey, one needs to vent. I had a timeline set when I was young. Graduating, going straight to college, finishing in 4 years (I can't even believe that was my plan), marriage, KIDS... the thought of that is pretty insane. Yet, here I am. 25 years young. I have yet to accomplish any of these goals seventeen year old Liz had. I wanted to have my entire life together by the age of 25 but I am so far from that! (Actually, i'm not but your girl here loves to be dramatic.) It's so easy to compare your life with those around you. I have experience a lot. A LOT. I can't sit here and say my life has been so hard and I can't sit here and say my life has been so easy. I have a pretty nice, balanced life at the moment.
With social media, who can't keep with other friends... ok, acquaintances lives. I am 25. Divorced. Not financially stable. But, I am the happiest I have ever been. I have 14 hours left to complete my degree. I have the support of my amazing family, the six people I actually call friends, my best friend and boyfriend, Shane. I have traveled places I never dreamed of visiting and I have an entire planet yet to discover.
It is so easy to compare yourself to those around you. Comparison can kill you, my friend.
At this point in my life, I think the most important question is to ask yourself... "Are you happy? Are you better off than you were 5 years ago? Is there someone who is holding you back?" Life doesn't always go as planned. Trust me... I know. But, isn't that what life is all about?
I will try to report back every so often. More often than before. I think this benefits me more than it will the reader but I think reflecting on everything that goes in my life only pushed me a little more. And hey, if any of this helps you out then the purpose of me writing all this publicly worked. If there is any advice you would give me I will gladly accept it. I will post pictures of what I have done these past 8 months another day. Promise! (It won't be another 8 months later either lol)
Here I go again. Starting something I can't... scratch that... unwillingly won't keep up with. So I just permanently marked another spot in the vast reaches of what is called the internet.
But, new year new me. Yadda-yadda. Yes. I am aware that it is February but better late than never right?
So nothing too interesting has happened since (currently taking a look to see how long it's been since i've written and holy moly its been 3 months since i've looked at this side of the internet)
Please pardon my run-on sentences but I am utterly embarrassed at the fact that it has actually been that long.
Like I said nothing has happened but i've seen the Dirty River Boys, again. OH, and if you didn't know, Marco freakin' Gutierrez ACTUALLY knew who I was because twitter. Like he actually knew my username and I feel PRETTY cool about that. If you hadn't the chance to check them out just stop reading this and go to Youtube or something and listen to them. These Texas boys sure know how to Raise Some Hell.